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Sistema Nacional de Ensino (SNE)
Autor: Dener José Datti
Data: 05/06/2015
RESUMO: Analisar o Sistema de Educação a partir de dados e relatórios comentados sobre a educação no Brasil, tendo em foco a Educação Básica e o Ensino Fundamental. Analisar as dificuldades que o Brasil enfrenta na Educação básica e no Ensino Fundamental. Relacionar a educação e esclarecer que a mesma não depende somente da escola, mas sim de toda a sociedade. Mostrar que a formação do caráter, índole, educação, ética e cidadania no indivíduo são resultados do meio, ou seja, de sua realidade social, seus relacionamentos, sua vida dentro e fora da sala de aula. Mostrar que de nada adianta ter uma escola com uma superinfraestrutura, computadores, bons professores, bom material escolar, entre outros itens, se a realidade do educando não condiz e não é propícia com a educação. Mostrar as debilidades nos materiais de ensino, salários de professores, rede Estadual de ensino, Municipal e Federal e suas debilidades. Mostrar que o que define realmente a formação do indivíduo é seu meio. De nada adianta uma criança ter uma boa estrutura de ensino, se ao lado de sua escola existem tráfico de drogas, muitas vezes dentro das escolas e principalmente dentro das universidades brasileiras com frequência. De nada adianta um indivíduo estudar se sua realidade social é violenta, sangrenta, recheada de tráfico, miserável e repleta de problemas sociais. Mostrar que isso resulta em evasão escolar. Apresentar estatísticas internacionais sobre a educação no Brasil. Mostrar os maiores problemas da educação no Brasil e os porquês da falha educacional no Brasil, tendo como base a sociedade, que se encontra em processo de degeneração completa, em um país recheado de escândalos de corrupção e lavagem de dinheiro feita pelos próprios governantes.
ABSTRACT: Analyze the Education System from data and reports talked about education in Brazil, with a focus on basic education and primary education. To analyze the difficulties facing Brazil in Basic Education and Elementary Education. Link education and to clarify that it does not depend on the school only, but of the whole society. Show that the formation of character, nature, education, ethics and citizenship are the individual results of the medium, ie their social reality, your relationships, your life inside and outside the classroom. Show that there is no point having a school with a super infrastructure, computers, good teachers, good school supplies, among other items, the student's reality does not match and is not conducive to education. Show weakness in teaching materials, teacher salaries, state school system, Municipal and Federal and its weaknesses. Show that what really sets the formation of the individual is their midst. It does not help a child get a good education structure, next to his school there are drug trafficking, often in schools and especially within the Brazilian universities frequently. It does not help an individual study whether social reality is violent, bloody, full of trafficking, miserable and full of social problems. Show that this results in truancy. Presenting statistics on education in Brazil. Show High education problems in Brazil and whys of educational failure in Brazil, based on the company, which is in complete degeneration process in a country full of corruption scandals and money laundering done by the rulers.
ABSTRACT: Analyze the Education System from data and reports talked about education in Brazil, with a focus on basic education and primary education. To analyze the difficulties facing Brazil in Basic Education and Elementary Education. Link education and to clarify that it does not depend on the school only, but of the whole society. Show that the formation of character, nature, education, ethics and citizenship are the individual results of the medium, ie their social reality, your relationships, your life inside and outside the classroom. Show that there is no point having a school with a super infrastructure, computers, good teachers, good school supplies, among other items, the student's reality does not match and is not conducive to education. Show weakness in teaching materials, teacher salaries, state school system, Municipal and Federal and its weaknesses. Show that what really sets the formation of the individual is their midst. It does not help a child get a good education structure, next to his school there are drug trafficking, often in schools and especially within the Brazilian universities frequently. It does not help an individual study whether social reality is violent, bloody, full of trafficking, miserable and full of social problems. Show that this results in truancy. Presenting statistics on education in Brazil. Show High education problems in Brazil and whys of educational failure in Brazil, based on the company, which is in complete degeneration process in a country full of corruption scandals and money laundering done by the rulers.
Como referenciar: "Sistema Nacional de Ensino (SNE)" em Só Pedagogia. Virtuous Tecnologia da Informação, 2008-2024. Consultado em 06/10/2024 às 15:52. Disponível na Internet em http://www.pedagogia.com.br/artigos/sistema_nacional_ensino/